Lili Hotel

Amoudara Grecia
de la
EUR 1898 00 EUR
2 adulti
Charter Creta - Lili Hotel, cu plecare din Brasov
Lili Hotel is a charming beachfront hotel located in the beautiful area of Ammoudara, just a short distance from Heraklion in Greece. The hotel offers comfortable and stylish accommodation, with spacious rooms that are tastefully decorated in a modern Greek style.Guests staying at Lili Hotel can enjoy stunning views of the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea from their private balconies. The hotel also features a lovely outdoor swimming pool, perfect for relaxing and soaking up the sun.The hotel's restaurant serves delicious Greek and international cuisine, with a focus on fresh local ingredients. Guests can also enjoy refreshing cocktails and snacks at the hotel's bar, which overlooks the sea.Lili Hotel is the perfect choice for travelers looking for a peaceful and relaxing getaway in a beautiful beachfront location. With its warm hospitality and excellent service, guests are sure to have a memorable stay at this lovely hotel in Heraklion.

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Transport cu avionul pe ruta GHV - HER (GHV-HER, HER-GHV)

1 bagaj de cala si 1 bagaj de mana/ persoana

Taxe de aeroport

Transfer aeroport - hotel - aeroport

Cazare 7 nopti

Asistenta turistica in limba romana

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Asigurare de calatorie medicala si storno

Cheltuieli personale, bacsisuri, bauturi si servicii/facilitati neincluse in pretul pachetului (in functie de oferta fiecarui hotel)

TAXA DE REZILIENTA LA CRIZA CLIMATICA (se achita la receptie) - in functie de clasificarea unitatii de cazare, aceasta variaza intre 3 EUR si 10 EUR/camera/noapte

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Sejururi cu avionul din Timisoara catre Lili Hotel, Creta, Grecia

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